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We all want to connect to others and have a sense of belonging. It is actually one of the most important challenges that people all over the world face today: the need for real friendships and authentic connections.


We live in a very diverse and fast changing world, and the skills we used to have to connect with others in the past are not always useful in the same manner today, where the social framework and circumstances where different. Working in a group we create a kind of social lab where we can safely practice and notice the skills we have and identify the challenges to successful connections and conversations.

Image by Andrew Ridley

Create great dynamics

These techniques can be applied to long term relationships (with a client or with a friend or partner) when expectations and dynamics have become stagnant, finding a way to break the cycle of the dynamic that has been running for a long time and getting better outcomes for all.

Attention: my Connection workshops may

contain song ;)


People who don't have good connection skills...

Could be missing on some really interesting contacts


Could be missunderstood by what they say or do


Could get more often into unwanted conflicts

might feel like you are not heard as much as they need


People might not notice them, or notice them too much making the feel put on the spot


They are more prone to be isolated or suffer from social stress


Relationships of all kind can get stuck into one dynamic and it can feel hard to change them

But we can change them.

We can change all that does not work! 

And we can do it enjoying the process.



Getting more in touch with your authentic self,

Feeling comfortable with your vulnerabilities,

Acknowledging your strengths

Increasing your self-awareness and your attention of the other


This is developed through a variety of activities, that focus

on the INSIDE and the OUTSIDE.

White Structure


Inside, as getting in touch with ourselves, from noticing what drives us to want to connect with someone, connecting with our own body and sensations, motivations, feelings and thoughts.


Outside, as becoming more curious about our surroundings, be them the landscape or people around us, and finding ways to navigate a complex and diverse world without losing ourselves.

You will not get from me a "one fits all" solution, but a set of skills, a toolbox to develop in your own personal way, so you improve your relationships and social intuition.

Practising this skill can give you an immense amount of freedom and power in our relationships, a compass, a way of doing things that can become our life.

For further reading on connection, you can visit this blog piece.

Contact me for details on courses and training sessions.

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